2012年6月22日 星期五

'Can I sleep here, Mum?' Wonderful photograph captures the moment a cute baby swan shuns its nest and decides to rest on its mother's back



黃妃 - 追追追

江蕙 - 花若離枝

夏川里美(日語) - 淚光閃閃


Now that's oar-inspiring: Daredevil kayaker paddles over 70ft raging waterfall... and bobs up without a scratch

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2162575/Now-thats-oar-inspiring-Daredevil-kayaker-paddles-70ft-raging-waterfall--bobs-scratch.html#ixzz1yVDeWCZH

Where the Hell is Matt? 2012

Where the Hell is Matt? 2012